All News

House of Commons Music Industry Debate

  CULTURE MINISTER “NOT RULING OUT” MORE HELP FOR SELF-EMPLOYED   MPs, UK Music Members and MPG Executive Director after the Westminster Hall debate  MPG Executive Director, Olga FitzRoy, together …read the full article

19 November 2019


In Memoriam: Ed Cherney

Ed Cherney, such a sad loss . . . “We first met in Los Angeles around an AES Convention in 1996. Like many of our friends and colleagues, I was …read the full article

11 November 2019


Shortlist announced for the MPG Awards 2020!

The Music Producers Guild is excited to announce the shortlist for its 2020 Awards, which will take place at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London on 27th February. With names such …read the full article

18 October 2019


MPG Newsletter October 2019

Thank you for reading our first monthly newsletter! We want to start sharing with you, our members, what we get up to each month and keep you informed on what’s …read the full article

10 October 2019


BBC Introducing

The MPG are hosting a panel at BBC Introducing Live, entitled ‘The Making of Great Records’, chaired by MPG Executive Director, Rhiannon Mair, panellists TBC. Nowadays it’s easy to craft …read the full article

#SelfieLeave at Party Conferences

MPG Executive Director, Olga FitzRoy, spoke at the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservatives party conferences as part of UK Music’s series of fringe events supporting the #Selfieleave campaign for shared …read the full article

29 September 2019


Music Producers Guild reveal ‘Working On Spec’ report at Pivotal Music Conference

  During their ‘Should You Ever Work For Free’ panel at Pivotal Music Conference today (27th September), the MPG discussed a new piece of research showing that many recording professionals …read the full article

18 August 2019


Pivotal 2019 – MPG House Full Programme announced!

The MPG is delighted to present a full programme of panels at this year’s Pivotal Music Conference 2019! Taking place on the 27th September 2019, Pivotal Music Conference will return …read the full article

28 July 2019

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Will Mason Wins The 2019 MPG LIPA Prize

The MPG is delighted to announce that LIPA graduate Will Mason has been named as the recipient of the 2019 Music Producers Guild Prize, which brings with it a host …read the full article

18 July 2019


#Selfieleave One Step Closer

On Tuesday this week, Shadow Culture Minister, Kevin Brennan MP asked the Business Secretary, Greg Clark MP about shared parental leave for freelancers, following a briefing from the MPG. The …read the full article

17 July 2019


CWCID Update – Video now live

Proper credits information on commercial releases are vital to building and maintaining the reputation of recording professionals. Without credits how would anyone know about the vital work of the team …read the full article

25 June 2019

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#SelfieLeave update – MPG and UK Music step up the pressure

MPG and UK Music step up pressure on government to give shared parental leave to self-employed Music Producers Guild Executive Director Olga FitzRoy and UK Music chief Michael Dugher have …read the full article

25 June 2019


Producers and Engineers Wing of the Grammys: monthly update

  REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER NAMM NOW OPEN FREE WITH CODE FOR RECORDING ACADEMY MEMBERS Music City Center, Nashville, Tenn. July 18-20, 2019 With more than 14,000 registrants, 1,650+ brands and …read the full article

24 June 2019


MPG House – Pivotal 2019

Taking place on the 27th September 2019, Pivotal Music Conference will return for a second year to the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham after it’s debut year in 2018. It’s first …read the full article

15 June 2019


PRS Foundation Writer Producer Fund

The Writer Producer Fund offers an opportunity for songwriters and writer-producers working in popular musicgenres to further develop their careers and writing/production credits with grants of up to £10,000. Launched …read the full article

5 June 2019


Statement on the collapse of Pledge Music

Industry launches survey to assess impact of PledgeMusic collapse on UK artists   As organisations who want to see the music industry thrive, we are deeply disappointed that PledgeMusic has …read the full article

5 June 2019


Producers and Engineers Wing monthly update

  EDUCATORS LUNCH APRIL 4 – ATLANTA Ten enthusiastic educators from various Atlanta area recording programs gathered to discuss P&E Wing Guidelines and Recommendations, along with overall best practices for …read the full article

25 April 2019


UK Music Creators Survey 2019

Dear Member, We’re asking all our members to fill in the UK Music 2019 Creators survey to allow us to analyse trends and to document day-to-day conditions for creators in …read the full article

10 April 2019


Statement on the situation in Brunei

The MPG fully support the position of Pride in Music, that all of our members and the wider music community should reconsider attending any events at, or travelling to those …read the full article

15 March 2019


Producers and Engineers Wing monthly update

Education in best practices continues to be high on the importance list for the P&E Wing, with our flagship written Guidelines & Recommendations serving as helpful and practical tools for music …read the full article