Supporting your wellbeing in the workplace – Resources for Members

Musicians Union Safe Space Scheme

The MU Safe Space is an anonymous reporting service available to everyone working in the music industry to log instances of sexual harassment an abuse at work.

Rights of Women

Lots of legal resources for women, including a free legal advice line for women experiencing sexual harassment at work.

Help Musicians

If you work in music and are concerned about a bullying or harassment situation, you can call Help Musicians Bullying and Harassment helpline confidentially for free on 0800 088 2045 to receive non-judgemental support and advice.

Music Minds Matter
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Music Minds Matter is Help Musicians’ dedicated mental health support line and service for the whole UK music community. If you work in music and are struggling to cope, or know someone who is, talk to us. It doesn’t have to be a crisis, or about music. We’re here to listen, support and help at any time.

Call 0808 802 8008

Advice on Boycotting Events