news category Campaigns, MPG Activity created 6 July 2022

Misogyny in Music Survey

The Women and Equalities Select Committee (a group of cross-party MP’s who specialise in these issues) are running an enquiry on Misogyny in Music, and have called for evidence from individuals and organisations.

The MPG will be making a submission, but we need to hear about your experiences so we can properly represent your views.
We need as many people as possible to fill this in – they do not need to be MPG members – please also fill in if you do not identify as a woman – we are also interested in evidence from those who have witnessed misogyny.

The survey is anonymous and we will only share anonymous quotes with your express permission.


The survey link is here – please do share in your networks – the survey closes at midnight Friday 15th July.


If you have been affected by any of the topics raised we have listed a number of organisations that we have personally worked with who can provide support here

If you would like to make an individual submission or read more about the enquiry please follow this link.

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