news category All News, business rates, Campaigns created 16 October 2024

How are UK business rates affecting you? 

The MPG has long campaigned to get recording studios a fairer deal on business rates in the UK. Over the past few years, we have amassed a library of anecdotal evidence that the current business rates regime in the UK is crippling studios. Now, things are reaching a point where investment in the next generation is being damaged, and in some cases, studios are considering closing their doors for good.

Earlier this year, we (along with other groups) convinced the now-Labour Government to include a review of the Business Rates system in their manifesto to make it fairer and allow studios to increase investment again in the talent pipeline. The purpose of this study is to build a solid evidence base so we can take it to the Government and lobby for the fairer deal studios desperately need.

The more evidence we can gather, the stronger our case will be.

Please spare a few minutes to complete it. We got the Labour Party to agree to a business rates review in their manifesto, but now we need the data to back up our claims. So, if you have time, please complete the survey, as it will really help.

We want everyone who takes part to be open and candid, so all of the data collected will remain totally anonymous. The findings will be presented in a report.

Please share this with other studio managers/owners in the

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