The CMM Christmas Party 

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The MPG is a non-profit organisation that represents professional Record Producers, Recording Engineers, Mixers and Mastering Engineers from all backgrounds as well as Recording Studios to make sure that their voice is being heard within the music industry. Run by members for members, the Guild is led by five elected directors in a voluntary role.


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MPG events

The MPG Awards

The annual celebration of creative and technical achievements in record production

The MPG Benefits

See what benefits MPG Full Membership brings

The Members Directory

MPG members submit details of their specialities and facilities, enabling potential clients to search and select those who might be suitable for their recording projects

Wellbeing in the Workplace

Supporting your wellbeing in the workplace – Resources for Members

Directors reports

Check in to see what the directors have been up top.

Studio Membership

The MPG studio membership page

Latest MPG News

Government AI consultation

UK Government Copyright and AI consultation   On the 17th of December 2024, the Government released its long-awaited consultation on Copyright and AI (available online here). The consultation states that …read the full article

Job Opportunity – Studio Manager & Chief Engineer

World Heart Beat Studio (Nine Elms) Battersea The Studio Manager and Chief Engineer will be responsible for the overall management of the studio, ensuring that all technical and operational aspects …read the full article

Statement on UK government’s consultation on copyright and AI

As part of the CMM the MPG works closely with all CMM members. The UK government has announced a new consultation on copyright and AI. We urge you to look …read the full article

Norman Cook (aka Fatboy Slim) to Receive Top MPG Award

The Music Producers Guild in association with Dolby and Mix With The Masters are delighted to honour iconic DJ and Producer  Norman Cook with the PPL Present The MPG Award For …read the full article

How are UK business rates affecting you? 

The MPG has long campaigned to get recording studios a fairer deal on business rates in the UK. Over the past few years, we have amassed a library of anecdotal …read the full article

National Album Day Studio Events

In conjunction with National Album Day and sponsored by AVID The MPG presents three events centered around Albums and the studios they were recorded in. Ziggy Stardust Atmos Album Playback …read the full article

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